I started ‘All Things Invisible’ both to document my own growth and to reach out to everyone curious about divination and the unseen forces that are part of our everyday lives. Above all else, it is important to make clear that I am a student, both in the formal sense and in my life philosophy. I grew up in a house where my mother regularly turned to the stars for guidance, and my grandmother conducted ESP experiments on anyone interested in participating. I remember playing with her Swiss Tarot deck as a kid, feeling a rush of excitement (and a little terror) as I flipped through the cards, wondering for hours about the beautiful, mysterious and sometimes scary images. This enthusiasm has never waned, and has taken me to where I am today. Modern science is proving that there are forces and dimensions well beyond the seen world, something many of us have always understood. “A.T.I.” is about understanding our relationship with a much larger reality, and how it impacts our health and harmony. We are much more than just a body, we are many parts, and the better we can tend to them all, visible and invisible, the more we will thrive.